Conway's Game of Life - Patterns Showcase

Rules of Conway's Game of Life:

A small, self-replicating pattern that moves diagonally.
A stable, still-life pattern.
An oscillator with a 2-generation cycle.
A simple oscillator alternating between two forms.
An oscillator with two phases.
A large oscillator with multiple phases.
A long period oscillator that oscillates slowly.
A pattern that periodically spawns gliders.
A still-life pattern that remains stable.
A small pattern that evolves into complex shapes.
A lightweight spaceship that moves diagonally.
A small pattern that evolves into various shapes.
A pattern that survives for 130 generations before dying.
An oscillator that creates gliders periodically.
A pattern that forms a dynamic structure.
A rotating star-shaped pattern.
A small spaceship pattern that follows a spiral path.
A modified beacon with a mirrored design.
A pattern that generates other patterns, including gliders.